如同維他命B1、B2,維他命B3的需要量一樣和所攝取的熱量多寡有關。每攝取熱量 1000 卡時,需要 6.6 毫克的維他命 B3。在各種食物中,以動物的肝臟、腎臟、酵母、牛奶、起士、魚類、全麥麵包、花生、黃豆等含量較為豐富。
維他命B3為促進血液循環及皮膚健康所必需的。它也協助神經系統運作、醣類、脂肪蛋白質的代謝及製造消化系統所需的鹽酸。維他命 B3 降低膽固醇並改善血液循環,也對精神分裂症及其他心理疾病的治療有效用。
yosia 進修室
2011年10月2日 星期日
2011年9月13日 星期二
以下新聞轉載自China Post
Yani Tseng reaches new milestones with 10th LPGA title
Taiwan's Yani Tseng, the world No. 1 in women's golf, Sunday successfully defended her title at the LPGA Tour's NW Arkansas Championship by making the most of her second chances, rolling in a four-foot birdie putt on the first hole of a playoff.This earned Tseng her 10th championship as a LPGA golfer and helped her set another milestone, becoming the only LPGA player to defend two titles this season. Early last month, Tseng became the first golfer in a decade to win the Women's British Open in two consecutive years.
Tseng holed the winning putt on the par-five 18th hole to edge South Korea's Amy Yang who failed to convert a six-foot birdie try just moments earlier.
“I almost cried today because in the middle of the round, I felt like, 'Oh, I'm going to lose today.' Because I didn't feel any excitement and I wasn't making any birdies,” Tseng said. “But I just telling myself, 'I need to get excited, need more focus, try to stretch, move around, just feel more.' Like the last three holes, I made some birdies, so that was very important for me.”The 22-year-old Tseng had her own putting woes on the final hole in regulation after failing to make a five-foot putt that would have given her the victory at the Pinnacle Country Club course.
Instead the pair headed to a playoff after they both closed with three-under 68s to finish at 12-under 201.
Tseng leads the LPGA Tour with five wins this season, including major titles at the LPGA Championship and Women's British Open.
Successfully defending her title at the LPGA Tour's NW Arkansas Championship made Tseng become the first LPGA golfer to have earned US$2 million in a single season since 2008.
Tseng took the US$300,000 first prize after beating Yang on the first hole of a playoff at the Pinnacle Country Club course, bringing her winnings on the LPGA Tour to US$2.116 million.
Tseng was far ahead of second-ranked Cristie Kerr of the United States, who has earned US$1.348 million so far this year.Tseng was the first LPGA golfer able to crack the US$2 million mark in a single season since Mexican Lorena Ochoa attained the milestone in 2008 before retiring.
In the past two years, South Koreans Jiyai Shin and Na Yeon Choi led the money list with winnings of US$1.81 million in 2009 and US$1.87 million in 2010, respectively.
Tseng's earnings to date for 2011 would be the seventh highest on record for a single season since the LPGA began compiling annual money lists in 2000, and there are still nine tournaments left to be played this year.She could conceivably challenge Annika Sorenstam's personal high of US$2.86 million in earnings set in 2002, but will likely fall far short of the LPGA record of US$4.36 million set by Ochoa in 2007.
In her 16 LPGA events this year, Tseng has earned an average of US$132,253 each, the third-highest in history behind only Ochoa in 2007 (US$174,599) and Sorenstam in 2004 (US$141,372).
The Arkansas victory was the fifth LPGA title Tseng has won this season and the 10th of her career. She has captured two majors — the LPGA Championship and the Women's British Open — and also won the Honda LPGA Thailand and the LPGA State Farm Classic.
With five victories this year, Tseng has joined an elite group of women who have accomplished that feat in a season, including Louise Suggs, Mickey Wright, Kathy Whitworth, Nancy Lopez and Pat Bradley.
Tseng has also won three other non-LPGA events this year — one in Taiwan and two in Australia early this year.
In the 16 LPGA tournaments Tseng played during this season, she carded an average of 4.61 birdies, outshining all other players.
birdie noun [高爾夫]博蒂(低於標準竿一竿近洞)
putt verb [高爾夫]推球入洞
playoff noun 錦標賽;延長賽;最後決賽
decade noun 十年
consecutive adj. 連續不斷的
stretch verb 傾注全力
woe noun 逆境;悲痛
far ahead ph. 遙遙領先
attain verb 達到;獲得
compile verb 彙編;收集(資料)
tournament noun 錦標賽;聯賽
conceivably adv. 可相信地;想得到的
elite noun 精英
feat noun 功績
card verb 把...記入卡片
outshine verb 使...失色;比...優秀
2011年9月12日 星期一
(1) 商業發票:若L/C規定為INVOICE(發票)、COMMERCIAL INVOICE(商業發票)、SHIPPING INVOICE(裝運發票)、TRADE INVOICE(貿易發票),一律可按商業發票掌握,一般只需將發票名稱印為“INVOICE”字樣。
(2) 詳細發票:若L/C規定“DETAILED INVOICE”,則如果發票內印有“INVOICE”字樣,前面須加“DETAILED”,發票內容應將貨物名稱、規格、數量、單價、價格條件、總值等詳細列出。
(3) 證實發票:證實發票是證明所載內容真實、正確的一種發票,證實的內容視進口商的要求而定,如:發票內容真實無誤、貨物的真實產地、商品品質與合同相符、價格正確等等。如果L/C規定“CERTIFIED INVOICE”,發票名稱應照打,同時劃去 發票下通常印就的“E. &. O. E.”字樣,通常在發票內注明“WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE CONTENTS OF INVOICE HEREIN ARE TRUE & CORRECT”。
如果L/C規定“VISAED INVOIE”(簽證發票),並指定簽證人,則需由簽證人在發票上蓋章簽字作簽證,並加注證明文句,若證中未指定簽證人,則以出口國商會作為簽證人,其餘與證實發票同。
(4) 收妥發票,或稱錢貨兩訖發票:若L/C規定需“RECEIPT INVOICE”,則照打名稱,並在發票結文簽字處加注貨款已收訖條款:VALUE/PAYMENT RECEIVED UNDER CREDIT NO.××× ISSUED BY ××× BANK。這種發票在即期付款信用證下多採用,其目的是以商業發票代替貨款收據,而不需再開立匯票。因匯票在有些國家需貼印花稅票,一些進口商為免除印花稅負擔,也要求提供這種發票。
(5) 廠商發票:廠商發票是出口貨物的製造廠商出具的以本國貨幣表示出廠價格的銷貨憑證。其目的是供進口國海關估價、核稅及檢查是否有削價傾銷行為,徵收反傾銷稅時使用。若L/C要求“MANUFACTURERS INVOICE ”,發票名稱應照打,且繕制時應注意:(a)出票日期應早於商業發票日期。(b)價格為以出口國幣制表示的國內市場價。填制方法與海關發票同,但應注意出廠價不能高於發票貨價,應適當打個折扣(一般按FOB價打九折或八五折),以免被進口國海關視為壓價傾銷而徵收反傾銷稅導致巨大損失。(c)發票內應加注證明製造商的語句“WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE ACTUAL MANUFACTURER OF THE GOODS INVOICED”。(d)抬頭人打出口商,但出單人為製造廠商,應由廠方負責人在發票上簽字蓋章。(e)貨物出廠時,一般無出口裝運標記,因此除非信用證有明確規定,廠商發票不必繕制嘜頭。
(6) 形式發票,或稱預開發票:主要用於供買方接受報價時作參考,或簽約後向本國貿易管理當局或外匯管理當局申請進口許可證或批匯時使用。它是賣方應買方要求,在成交前開立的非正式參考性發票。其中的價格僅為估計價,不能作為結算單據,且對交易雙方無最終約束力。正式交易還需另開正式發票。
若L/C規定需“PROFORMA INVOICE”,制單時名稱照打,且發票內注明“供商人申請許可證”或“本交易以賣方最終確認為有效”等字樣。一旦買方接受形式發票,即為一張肯定合約,雙方依形式發票內容辦理各項業務。
(7) 樣品發票(SAMPLE INVOICE ),又稱小發票:是賣方向買方寄樣時出具的清單,供進口報關時使用。
(8) 領事發票(CONSULAR INVOICE):領事發票是出口方根據進口國駐出口國領事館制定的固定格式填寫並經領事館簽章的發票。部分拉丁美洲國家規定必須憑領事發票進口,或用以確定貨物的原產地,憑以明確差別待遇關稅;或憑以核定發票售價是否合理,是否存在傾銷問題。領事發票屬官方單證,格式一般相對固定,但有些國家僅要求賣方出具的商業發票上須由該國領事簽訂,這種發票稱為領事簽證發票(CONSULAR LEGALIZED INVOICE)。領事發票中應注明的內容視L/C上發票認證條款而定,一般須注明“裝運貨物系××(出口國)製造/出產”。
(9) 寄售發票(CONSIGNMENT INVOICE):是貨物寄售時賣方開給買方作為定價依據的發票。
(10) 海關發票(CUSTOMS INVOICE):海關發票是進口國海關當局規定的進口報關必須提供的特定格式的發票,主要是作為估價完稅、確定原產地、徵收差別待遇關稅或徵收反傾銷稅的依據。因此,又稱為COMBINED CERTIFICATE OF VALUE AND ORIGIN (估價和原產地聯合證明書,簡稱C. C. V. O.)。
(1) 商業發票:若L/C規定為INVOICE(發票)、COMMERCIAL INVOICE(商業發票)、SHIPPING INVOICE(裝運發票)、TRADE INVOICE(貿易發票),一律可按商業發票掌握,一般只需將發票名稱印為“INVOICE”字樣。
(2) 詳細發票:若L/C規定“DETAILED INVOICE”,則如果發票內印有“INVOICE”字樣,前面須加“DETAILED”,發票內容應將貨物名稱、規格、數量、單價、價格條件、總值等詳細列出。
(3) 證實發票:證實發票是證明所載內容真實、正確的一種發票,證實的內容視進口商的要求而定,如:發票內容真實無誤、貨物的真實產地、商品品質與合同相符、價格正確等等。如果L/C規定“CERTIFIED INVOICE”,發票名稱應照打,同時劃去 發票下通常印就的“E. &. O. E.”字樣,通常在發票內注明“WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE CONTENTS OF INVOICE HEREIN ARE TRUE & CORRECT”。
如果L/C規定“VISAED INVOIE”(簽證發票),並指定簽證人,則需由簽證人在發票上蓋章簽字作簽證,並加注證明文句,若證中未指定簽證人,則以出口國商會作為簽證人,其餘與證實發票同。
(4) 收妥發票,或稱錢貨兩訖發票:若L/C規定需“RECEIPT INVOICE”,則照打名稱,並在發票結文簽字處加注貨款已收訖條款:VALUE/PAYMENT RECEIVED UNDER CREDIT NO.××× ISSUED BY ××× BANK。這種發票在即期付款信用證下多採用,其目的是以商業發票代替貨款收據,而不需再開立匯票。因匯票在有些國家需貼印花稅票,一些進口商為免除印花稅負擔,也要求提供這種發票。
(5) 廠商發票:廠商發票是出口貨物的製造廠商出具的以本國貨幣表示出廠價格的銷貨憑證。其目的是供進口國海關估價、核稅及檢查是否有削價傾銷行為,徵收反傾銷稅時使用。若L/C要求“MANUFACTURERS INVOICE ”,發票名稱應照打,且繕制時應注意:(a)出票日期應早於商業發票日期。(b)價格為以出口國幣制表示的國內市場價。填制方法與海關發票同,但應注意出廠價不能高於發票貨價,應適當打個折扣(一般按FOB價打九折或八五折),以免被進口國海關視為壓價傾銷而徵收反傾銷稅導致巨大損失。(c)發票內應加注證明製造商的語句“WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE ACTUAL MANUFACTURER OF THE GOODS INVOICED”。(d)抬頭人打出口商,但出單人為製造廠商,應由廠方負責人在發票上簽字蓋章。(e)貨物出廠時,一般無出口裝運標記,因此除非信用證有明確規定,廠商發票不必繕制嘜頭。
(6) 形式發票,或稱預開發票:主要用於供買方接受報價時作參考,或簽約後向本國貿易管理當局或外匯管理當局申請進口許可證或批匯時使用。它是賣方應買方要求,在成交前開立的非正式參考性發票。其中的價格僅為估計價,不能作為結算單據,且對交易雙方無最終約束力。正式交易還需另開正式發票。
若L/C規定需“PROFORMA INVOICE”,制單時名稱照打,且發票內注明“供商人申請許可證”或“本交易以賣方最終確認為有效”等字樣。一旦買方接受形式發票,即為一張肯定合約,雙方依形式發票內容辦理各項業務。
(7) 樣品發票(SAMPLE INVOICE ),又稱小發票:是賣方向買方寄樣時出具的清單,供進口報關時使用。
(8) 領事發票(CONSULAR INVOICE):領事發票是出口方根據進口國駐出口國領事館制定的固定格式填寫並經領事館簽章的發票。部分拉丁美洲國家規定必須憑領事發票進口,或用以確定貨物的原產地,憑以明確差別待遇關稅;或憑以核定發票售價是否合理,是否存在傾銷問題。領事發票屬官方單證,格式一般相對固定,但有些國家僅要求賣方出具的商業發票上須由該國領事簽訂,這種發票稱為領事簽證發票(CONSULAR LEGALIZED INVOICE)。領事發票中應注明的內容視L/C上發票認證條款而定,一般須注明“裝運貨物系××(出口國)製造/出產”。
(9) 寄售發票(CONSIGNMENT INVOICE):是貨物寄售時賣方開給買方作為定價依據的發票。
(10) 海關發票(CUSTOMS INVOICE):海關發票是進口國海關當局規定的進口報關必須提供的特定格式的發票,主要是作為估價完稅、確定原產地、徵收差別待遇關稅或徵收反傾銷稅的依據。因此,又稱為COMBINED CERTIFICATE OF VALUE AND ORIGIN (估價和原產地聯合證明書,簡稱C. C. V. O.)。
2011年9月8日 星期四
Yahoo 開除了執行長Bartz
以下新聞轉載自China Post
Yahoo fires chief executive Bartz
SAN FRANCISCO -- Yahoo Inc. fired Carol Bartz as CEO Tuesday after more than 2 1/2 years of financial lethargy that had convinced investors that she couldn't steer the Internet company to a long-promised turnaround.To fill the void, Yahoo's board named Tim Morse, its chief financial officer, as interim CEO. Bartz lured Morse away from computer chip-maker Altera Corp. two years ago to help her cuts costs. Yahoo, based in Sunnyvale, California, said it is looking for a permanent replacement.
Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock, also a target of shareholder frustration, informed Bartz about the move over the phone, according to an e-mail the outgoing CEO sent from her iPad that was obtained by the All Things D technology blog. The blog first reported Bartz's ouster.
A Yahoo spokesman didn't immediately respond to a request for comment late Tuesday.
Macquarie Securities analyst Ben Schachter called the handling of Bartz's departure “unseemly” and interpreted it as a sign of even more drama to come at Yahoo.In a research note late Tuesday, Schachter predicted there will be a wide range of conjecture about Yahoo's future, with the most likely speculation centering on Yahoo as a takeover target during a vulnerable time.
Alternatively, Yahoo could make a bold move itself by trying to buy the online video site Hulu.com, which is already talking to suitors, or trying to sell its 43 percent stake in the Alibaba Group, one of China's most prized Internet companies. Bartz's tense relationship with Alibaba CEO Jack Ma had fed investor dissatisfaction about her leadership.
In a Tuesday statement, Yahoo said it is undergoing a “comprehensive strategic review” in its latest effort to give investors a reason to buy its stock but didn't offer details.
Bartz, 63, led an austerity campaign helped boost Yahoo's earnings, but the company didn't increase its revenue even as the Internet ad market grew at a rapid clip.
The financial funk, along with recent setbacks in Yahoo's online search partnership with Microsoft Corp. and the Alibaba investment, proved to be Bartz's downfall. Her ouster comes with 16 months left on a four-year contract that she signed in January 2009.
That contract entitles her to severance payments that could be two to three times her annual salary and bonus, along with stock incentives she received during her tenure. Bartz received a US$2.2 million bonus to supplement her US$1 million salary last year.
Yahoo has now replaced three CEOs in a little over four years. During that time, Yahoo has lost ground in the Internet ad race to online search leader Google Inc. and Facebook even though its website remains among the world's most popular.
Known for her no-nonsense leadership and sometimes gruff language, Bartz arrived at Yahoo as a respected Silicon Valley executive who had won praise for turning around business software maker Autodesk Inc. But she had no previous experience in Internet advertising, the main way Yahoo makes money.That hole in her resume immediately raised questions whether she was qualified for the job, and those doubts only escalated as Yahoo's revenue continued to sag.
At first, Bartz blamed bad timing; she started the job during some of the bleakest months of the Great Recession. Later, she would say that she inherited such as mess from her two predecessors, Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang and former movie studio boss Terry Semel, and that it would take time to get Yahoo back on the right track.
At one point, she even compared her challenge to those that faced Steve Jobs when he returned to Apple Inc. as CEO in 1997.
Unlike Jobs, Bartz never was able to articulate a strategy to win over investors.
“She focused on plugging holes in the ship instead of turning it around,” said Gartner Inc. analyst Ray Valdes.
The disappointing performance was reflected in Yahoo's stock price, which closed Tuesday at US$12.91. That's 81 cents, or 7 percent, higher than where Yahoo shares stood when Bartz was hired as CEO. During the same period, Google's stock price has risen by more than US$200, or 66 percent, and the technology-driven Nasdaq composite index has climbed by 60 percent. A group of investors led by Goldman Sachs Group concluded privately held Facebook is worth US$50 billion in an appraisal done earlier this year. That's triple Yahoo's current market value.
Bartz never hit any of the price targets that the board set for her when she was hired. That means none of the 5 million stock options that she received upon signing her contract had vested by the time she was ushered out the door.
Investors seemed happy to see Bartz go. Yahoo shares gained 81 cents, or more than 6 percent, in extended trading late Tuesday.
steer verb 掌舵
turnaround noun 徹底改變
interim adj. 暫時的
lure adv 引誘
shareholder noun 股東
frustration noun 挫敗
outer noun 罷黜;驅逐
handling noun 處理;操作
departure noun 離開
unseemly adj. 不合適的;不得體的
interpret verb 解釋;說明;詮釋
drama noun 戲劇性事件
conjecture noun 猜測;推測
speculation noun 臆測
vulnerable adj. 易受傷的
bold move ph. 大膽舉措
suitor noun 請求者
stake noun 股份
feed verb 餵養
undergo verb 經歷;忍受
comprehensive adj. 廣泛的
austerity noun 嚴酷
funk noun 畏縮
downfall noun 垮台
entitle verb 給...權力(資格)
severance noun 區別;不同;分開
incentive noun 激勵;刺激
tenure noun 任期
supplement verb 增補
gruff adj. 粗魯的;板著臉孔的
resume noun 履歷
escalate verb 逐步上升
sag verb 下降
bleakest adj. 嚴峻的;荒涼的;單調的
inherit verb 繼承
predecessors noun 前任
articulate verb 清晰說明
appraisal noun 評價
vested ph 歸屬
usher verb 引;領
2011年9月7日 星期三
以下新聞轉載自China Post
Another fire breaks out at FPG plant
Another fire broke out yesterday at petrochemical complex run by the Formosa Plastics Group (FPG) in Mailiao, Yunlin County, the eighth in the past year at the same industrial zone.Firefighters put out the blaze by 4:50 p.m.
Certain amount of alkymer ended up in a ditch at the plant because of the leak. Water and chemical foams were immediately used to contain and snuff out the fire, said FPG executives.
Only a small section of the ditch was affected by the small blaze.
The executives said that staff members of all plants at the complex have maintained maximum security to prevent any possible industrial hazards, including fires.
This was the reason why the fire was put out so soon without affecting any manufacturing equipment.
Residents in the Mailiao area were alarmed by the new fire, expressing shock and concern over new industrial hazards and environmental contamination.
But FPG executives said residents should not panic, since alkymer is a part of gasoline but not toxic. The chemical will not release any toxic substance after burning, they explained.
They said the incident took place when the manufacturing and processing operations at the petrochemical complex were temporarily closed for inspection and equipment maintenance.
They said the FPG will cooperate with firefighters to determine the cause of the fire.
FPG and its petrochemical complex in Yunlin have been placed under unprecedented public scrutiny after seven other fires were reported at the petrochemical complex over the past year.
Protests from residents and the Yunlin Provincial Government in southwestern Taiwan prompted the Ministry of Economic Affairs to temporarily shut down the facilities on safety concerns.
The government has also asked FPG to carry out a phased suspension of operations at its production facilities in the compound over a one-year period.
Manufacturing operations cannot resume before FPG completes a safety overhaul and passes examination by a panel organized the ministry.
petrochemical adj 石化的
complex noun 集團
blaze noun 火災alkymer noun 烷化油leakage noun 洩漏
put out ph. 撲滅
inflict...on sb. verb 使遭受(損失)
refinery noun 精鍊廠
petroleum noun 石油
ditch noun 溝;渠
contain verb 遏制;控制
snuff out verb 熄滅(火);扼殺;消滅
hazard noun 危害之源;危害物
contamination noun 污染
panic verb 恐慌
toxic adj. 有毒的
unprecedented adj. 空前的;前所未有的
scrutiny noun 監督;審查
protests noun 抗議
Ministry of Economic Affairs ph. 經濟部
temporarily adv. 暫時地
compound noun 複合物
2011年9月6日 星期二
以下新聞轉載自China Post
European stocks plunge 5 percent
LONDON -- European stocks plunged by about 5 percent in mid afternoon trading on Monday, hit by acute tension over the risk of recession in leading economies and over eurozone debt.Bonds issued by Greece and Italy fell, and the cost of insuring against default by Italy and France, as indicated by the market for credit default swap (CDS) instruments, rose sharply.
German stocks were down by nearly 6 percent, while in London, the FTSE index fell by 3.06 percent to 5,129.97 points.
The euro fell below 1.41 U.S. dollars. The price of gold jumped back above US$1,900 an ounce on demand for a safe haven
The head of the European Central Bank (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet warned of an immediate and imperative need for a second debt rescue for Greece, and for tightened discipline in the management of eurozone economies.
He also spoke of an eventual “confederal” disciplined management of eurozone national finances.
And the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde repeated her warning that banks in Europe need extra capital to withstand any contagion from the eurozone debt crisis.
The move against stocks was exacerbated by a decision by U.S. authorities to take legal action against 17 international banks for trading in the securitized mortgage products at the heart of the 2008 financial crisis, traders said.
Bank shares fell heavily in Europe.
The Frankfurt stock market was showing a fall of 5.55 percent from the closing level on Friday to 5,230.84 points on the DAX index with Deutsche Bank shares down 9.59 percent.
In Paris the CAC 40 index was down 5.1 percent to 2,987.96 points and in Milan, the FTSE Mib index was showing a fall of 5.30 percent to 14,263 points.
Asian stocks also fell sharply, with the Tokyo market shedding 1.86 percent.
The U.S. legal moves are aimed at recouping billions of dollars lost in the financial crisis.
ECB data showed that eurozone banks have deposited record amounts of overnight funds with it, a signal of reluctance by banks to lend to each other.
“The banking sector continues to remain under pressure today as it underperforms across Europe,” said Manoj Ladwa, senior trader at ETX Capital.
“The chances of a near-term recovery remain slim as eurozone debt concerns, structural reform and a lawsuit for allegedly mis-selling mortgage debt all weigh heavy on the sector,” he added.
“The U.S. decided to drop a bombshell on the banking sector ahead of their extended weekend by announcing a US$200 billion (141-billion-euro) lawsuit across the whole industry for the miss selling of mortgage backed assets, the dreaded subprime loans,” said Simon Denham, head of London-based trading group Capital Spreads.
U.S. firms targeted in the suits included Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, General Electric, Ally Financial and First Horizon.
The foreign banks were Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Barclays, Nomura, Royal Bank of Scotland and Societe Generale.
Traders also continued to digest weak U.S. data from late last week.
The jobs data for August were the worst since September 2010, when the economy shed more than twice the number of jobs it created. The pace of job growth remains far below the numbers needed to reduce the high unemployment rate.
plunge verb/noun 急降
acute adj. 劇烈的
tension noun 緊張情勢
recession noun (經濟)衰退
eurozon noun 歐元區
bond noun 債券;公債
default noun 違約
credit default swap ph. 信用違約交換(移轉信用風險的衍生性金融商品)instrument noun 工具;手段
imperative adj. 緊急的;極重要的
discipline noun 紀律;懲戒
confederal noun
International Monetary Fund ph. 國際貨幣基金會
withstand verb 抵擋; 反抗
contagion noun 感染;壞影響
exacerbate verb 使惡化;使發怒
authorities noun 官方;當局
securitized adj 證券化的
mortgage noun 抵押
shed verb 瀉
recoup verb 收回;償還
overnight fund ph. 過夜待付基金
reluctance noun 勉強;不情願
near-term ph. 近期
reform verb 改良;重組
lawsuit noun 訴訟(非刑事)
bombshell noun 炸彈;突發事件
dreaded adj 令人畏懼的
subprime loans ph. 次級貸款
pace noun 一步;牛步
2011年9月5日 星期一
以下新聞轉載自China Post
Thousands splash into Sun Moon Lake swim
The swim, the 29th of its kind since the event was launched in 1983, drew a record number of 27,138 swimmers from home and abroad, including 2,215 foreign nationals from 32 countries, and 266 physically challenged swimmers.
The organizers sent out lifeboats at around 3 p.m. Sunday to pick up some 100 swimmers who were attempting the 3,000-meter swim across the lake.
They were the last batch among more than 25,000 people who participated this year in the annual event.
The swimmers were required to enter the water in groups to prevent overcrowding, but when the last group was close to the finishing point at the lake's Chaowu pier at around 2:30 p.m., black clouds began to gather.
The organizers, fearing thunderstorms, called off the swim and sent out the lifeboats.
The event in Nantou County in central Taiwan started in the morning in crisp weather under blue autumn skies, drawing a record number of 27,138 swimmers.
Premier Wu Den-yih, who initiated the event when he was magistrate of Nantou County in central Taiwan, fired the starting gun.
“Go for it! You're creating history by joining this swim!” Wu said to the competitors.
President Ma Ying-jeou, who could not be there because he was visiting the outlying island of Matsu, greeted the swimmers via teleconferencing.
crisp adj. 涼爽的
home and abroad ph. 海內外
in stages ph. 分階段
overcrowding adj. 過度擁擠
pier noun 碼頭
abandon verb. 中止;放棄
call off ph. 取消...
Premier noun 總理;首相;行政院長magistrate noun 地方首長;官員
teleconferencing noun 電信會議
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